
Antiques Gallery

Fima - Federazione italiana mercanti d'arte

Ritratti degli imperatori Maria Teresa d'Asburgo e Francesco I di Lorena

Martin van Meytens (Stoccolma 1695 - Vienna 1770)

Martin van Meytens
(Stockholm 1695 - Vienna 1770)

Portrait of Empress Maria Theresa of Habsburg (Vienna 1717 - 1780), reigning Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary, Queen of Bohemia, Croatia and Slavonia, reigning Duchess of Parma and Piacenza, reigning Duchess of Milan and Mantua, and also Grand Duchess consort of Tuscany and Empress consort of the Holy Roman Empire as the wife of Francis I, formerly Duke of Lorraine with the name Francis III Stephen.

Portrait of Emperor Francis I of Lorraine (1708 - 1765), Duke of Lorraine (1729-1736); Grand Duke of Tuscany (from 1737); official sovereign, with his wife Maria Theresa in the Habsburg monarchy (from 1740); Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (from 1745)

oil on canvas (queen)
42 x 36 - Framed 50 x 44

Oil on canvas (king)
40 x 34 - Framed 48 x 40
D25-021 € 12.500 Request information

Our gallery is pleased to present this valuable pair of portraits depicting the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa of Habsburg (Vienna 1717 - 1780) and her consort Francis Stephen of Lorraine (1708 - 1765).

The two paintings are characterised by an executive skill that denotes the work of a very talented artist: In particular, the quality and refinement of the style easily attribute them to the court painter Martin van Meytens (Stockholm 1695 - Vienna 1770), one of the most important portrait painters of his time, and for this reason in demand by the most noble European courts as well as the imperial family.

A Swedish painter who became a naturalised Austrian citizen, Van Meytens became famous for having been the official portrait painter of the Viennese court (from 1732) during the golden age of the 18th century, portraying the Austrian empress and her consort on numerous occasions.

His works are characterised by a precise and detailed representation of 18th century court fashion, showing exquisite lace and embroidery, and this painting is an excellent example.

Maria Theresa, an enlightened sovereign, who ascended to the throne by the will of her father Charles VI of Habsburg and against the advice of European rulers, made the empire modern and competitive thanks to a series of reforms in the name of enlightened absolutism.

In our canvas, the Royal Highness is dressed in a formal gown, trimmed with lace and brocade, her shoulders are wrapped in a red velvet cloak with an ermine lapel and many precious jewels, including earrings and a hair clip with drop-shaped diamonds and a precious bracelet with three strands of pearls with a portrait with a cameo portrait of her consort, a detail of exceptional refinement.

Francis Stephen of Lorraine married Maria Theresa in 1736, thus founding the House of Habsburg-Lorraine, which held the reins of Austria and the Habsburg hereditary states until the First World War. Sixteen children were born of their union, including the future emperors Joseph II and Leopold II and the queens Maria Carolina of Naples and Marie Antoinette of France.

The ruler, portrayed in a half-length portrait, is immortalised in a sumptuous ceremonial armour, topped by a cloak lined with purple velvet and ermine, closed on his chest by a precious brooch set with diamonds, which descends to cover his right arm, with which he holds the baton of command. Behind him is the crown, his royal attribute.

The works are presented in an excellent state of conservation, with gilded wooden frames.


The paintings are sold with a certificate of authenticity and an iconographic description.

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